

SmartStay, your trusted Airbnb concierge, offers a complete service for your short- and medium-term rentals. Enjoy exceptional service to make every stay unforgettable.

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Concierge services

How do we stand out from our competitors?
With SmartStay, make the most of your absences by renting out your primary or secondary residence during your travels or business trips. From a minimum of 1 night, optimize occupancy and generate revenue easily
SmartStay, one of France's leading concierge services, manages accommodations throughout France
Take advantage of our wide range of services at a commission of 15%.
At SmartStay, our priority is to offer you an exceptional travel experience to guarantee your satisfaction.
Do you offer customized services?
At SmartStay, we offer two service options. Either a complete turnkey solution that manages the entire process, or an assumption of responsibility for rate and calendar management, with commissions of 15% and 7% respectively.
Is there a procedure for selecting travelers?
We have a dedicated traveler management team, covering screening and communication, to ensure that only trusted people rent your accommodation. We welcome serious travelers, and use a proprietary algorithm to select travelers based on specific criteria.
Who takes care of cleaning, preparing the apartment and handing over the keys?
We work with a number of professional cleaning companies specializing in hotel maintenance. A team is on hand before each rental (the day before travelers arrive), between each rental and before your return.
Our local managers take care of the cleaning themselves, or occasionally call in a team of service providers. It is important to note that in areas where a local manager is present, you are responsible for the cost of initial cleaning.
Even if cleaning prior to each rental is scheduled, we kindly ask you to leave your accommodation clean and tidy.

Concierge contract

Contract duration
The contract to be signed is a short-term rental management mandate, stipulating important information about your property, our commitments and yours, and our services. The contract can be terminated at any time, but must honor all reservations.
Marketing expenses
SmartStay's marketing costs start from €350 incl. VAT, with possible variations depending on the type of accommodation. These costs include the creation of the online ad and the production of photographs.
Owner payment date
All monthly bookings are paid within 7 working days of the following month.

How to rent out my property

What time do I have to vacate the property on the first day of my rental?
You are asked to leave the premises by 11 a.m. at the latest and to hand over the keys before you leave, on the first day of your rental period. Even in the absence of a subsequent reservation, this instruction is essential to enable our cleaning team to ensure meticulous preparation of the accommodation in anticipation of travelers' arrival.
Would it be possible for me to stay in my residence even if it's not reserved?
Notwithstanding the fact that your apartment is not actually rented out, you will be required to vacate it in the morning on the first day of the rental period. We will need two sets of keys by 11 a.m. at the latest. Since reservations can be made at the last minute, it is our responsibility to prepare your apartment for the arrival of travelers from the very beginning. If you fail to vacate your property on the start date of the rental period, which would require our service provider to travel to your property to carry out the initial rental task, you will be invoiced for this service.
I only have one set of keys. Can you manage the rental?
To ensure smooth rental management, we require 2 identical and complete sets of keys. The first set of keys will be given to travelers, while the second will be entrusted to our cleaning service provider or to the local referent, and will remain in their possession throughout the rental period.