Where to find the Land Registration Information for your Airbnb home?

If you own a property you're renting out on Airbnb, it may be necessary to provide land registration information, including the land number, to comply with local regulations. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find this information and add it to your Airbnb listing.

1. Access your impotgouv space

Log in to your account on impotgouv.fr. Make sure you have your tax identifiers to hand.

2. Navigate to the real estate section

Once you're logged in, look for "Real Estate" in the main menu.

3. Select the relevant ad

Identify the property corresponding to your Airbnb ad and select it.

4. Copy the 12-digit number

Locate the land registry number, often 12 digits long and starting with the department number. Copy this information, as you'll need it for the next step.

5. Access the airbnb ad

Log in to your account on the Airbnb platform and access the relevant listing.

6. Click on the advertisement editing tool

Find the "Ad Modification Tool" option or a similar function on your ad management page.

7. Select the regulations tab

In the editing options, choose the "Regulations" tab or any similar section dealing with legal details.

8. Add land registry number

Find the field for the land registry number and paste the number you have previously copied from your Impotgouv space. Save your changes.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully add the required land registration number to your Airbnb listing. Make sure you comply with local regulations and consult the relevant authorities if in doubt. Transparency in providing this information builds travelers' trust and helps you comply with legal obligations.