Regulation of Airbnb accommodations in Lyon: Responsibilities and obligations of hosts

This article describes the new regulations governing changes of use of furnished tourist accommodation in Lyon. In the hyper-center, any request for a change of use must be offset by a property of the same size, located in the same arrondissement. Outside the hyper-center, for units over 35 m², compensation is compulsory from the first square meter. For dwellings under 35 m², the number of authorizations is limited, and compensation is required from the first application for individuals, while commercial entities must compensate from the first square meter for all applications.

Lyon, famous for its cultural heritage, gastronomy and unique atmosphere, is a popular destination for travelers from all over the world. To meet the growing demand for accommodation, many owners rent out their homes on seasonal rental platforms such as Airbnb. However, with this growing popularity, local authorities have introduced regulations to oversee this activity and ensure harmonious cohabitation between residents and travelers. In this article, we'll look at the main regulations concerning Airbnb accommodation in Lyon and the obligations of hosts.

Obtaining a change of use

Recent legislation (June 2022)

In the city center :

Any request to change the use of a residential property to furnished tourist accommodation is subject to a compensation requirement, implying the need to replace the said accommodation with another of the same size, located in the hyper-center of Lyon and in the same arrondissement. This obligation applies irrespective of the status of the applicants, whether they are individuals or legal entities making the request for a change of use.

Outside the city center :

For dwellings with a surface area of 35 m² or more:

‍Compensationis implemented from the first square meter, and consists of a property of the same size (with a ±5% variation margin), located in the same borough, for both private individuals and commercial entities.

For dwellings with a surface area of less than 35 m² :

‍Thenumber of change-of-use authorizations is limited, as is their duration. For private individuals, a temporary authorization is granted for a non-renewable period of 9 years. However, compensation is required on the first application for a permanent change-of-use authorization. For subsequent applications, compensation must be made in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions.

As for commercial entities :

‍Compensationis required from the first square meter for all change-of-use applications.

Declaration of furnished tourist rentals

Under current regulations in Lyon, anyone wishing to rent out their property repeatedly and for short periods (less than 9 months) must file a furnished tourist rental declaration. This declaration must be made to Lyon city hall before the accommodation can be offered on seasonal rental platforms such as Airbnb. The host must provide detailed information on the property, its address, its capacity and availability dates.

Maximum rental period

One important rule to observe is the maximum rental duration allowed for Airbnb accommodations in Lyon. According to regulations, primary residences may not be rented out for stays of more than 120 days per year, barring specific exceptions. However, there is no ceiling for rental investments benefiting from a change of use.

Tourist tax

Airbnb hosts in Lyon are required to collect a tourist tax from their travelers and pay it to the city council. The amount of the tourist tax varies according to the category of accommodation and the number of occupants. It's essential that hosts keep up to date with the current rates to ensure that the tax is correctly applied.

Compliance with condominium rules

Guests must also take care to respect the condominium rules of the building in which their accommodation is located. Some buildings may have specific restrictions or rules concerning seasonal rentals. It's essential to check with the condominium manager before offering the property on rental platforms.

Safety and housing standards

As an Airbnb host in Lyon, it is your responsibility to ensure that your accommodation is safe and compliant with current standards. This includes providing safety equipment, complying with electrical and fire standards, and ensuring the presence of a smoke detector.

The regulations governing Airbnb accommodation in Lyon aim to regulate this activity in harmony with local residents, while ensuring the quality and safety of accommodation for travelers. As an Airbnb host, it's essential to familiarize yourself with these rules and adhere to them scrupulously to avoid any disputes or fines. By demonstrating responsibility and transparency, hosts can continue to offer enjoyable and rewarding travel experiences to travelers who choose Lyon as their destination.