Discover the Nuki Opener: The Intelligent Solution for Your Airbnb Property Entrance Door

Technological innovation has revolutionized many aspects of our daily lives, and door opening has not been left out. The Nuki Opener is one of these revolutionary inventions, simplifying and improving the way we access our living spaces. In this article, we'll explore in detail what the Nuki Opener is, how it works and the benefits it can offer.

‍What isthe Nuki Opener?

The Nuki Opener is an intelligent device designed to automatically open and close entrance doors to residential or commercial buildings. Whether you live in an apartment, a house or manage a building, the Nuki Opener can simplify your daily life by giving you effortless control over access to your building.

How does the Nuki Opener work?

The Nuki Opener works in tandem with your existing intercom system. It's a small box that connects to your intercom and can be easily installed by a professional, or by yourself if you have basic DIY skills. Once installed, the Nuki Opener lets you control door opening remotely via a dedicated app installed on your smartphone.

When a visitor rings your intercom, you receive a notification on your phone. You can then see and talk to the visitor through the app. If you wish to open the door, simply press a button in the app, and the Nuki Opener will trigger the door to open. What's more, you can also program specific times when the door will open automatically, which can be particularly handy for deliveries or regular visits.

Advantages of the Nuki Opener :

  1. Comfort and convenience: no more running back and forth to open the door for visitors. With the Nuki Opener, you can open the door remotely, even when you're not at home.
  2. Access control: You have total control over who enters your building. You can grant temporary access to guests or departments, and revoke access at any time.
  3. Enhanced security: Two-way communication with visitors via the app lets you verify their identity before opening the door.
  4. Activity tracking: The application keeps a history of door openings, which can be useful for security or management purposes.
  5. Intelligent integration: The Nuki Opener can be integrated with other smart devices in the Nuki range, such as connected door locks, to create a complete security system.


The Nuki Opener offers an innovative and practical solution for managing access to your building. Combining the convenience of remote opening with advanced security features, it's an essential tool for anyone wishing to simplify their daily life and improve the security of their home or workplace. With Nuki Opener, managing access to your building has never been easier or more intelligent.